The Program
The program consists of three phases:
Phase I: Detoxification
Detoxification is the most delicate stage and the most difficult. It takes about 15 days. The most important task that we undertake in this phase is to help motivate the user to endeavor to get through it. This first part concerns total detoxification through adequate therapeutic resources, leading to a better understanding of the physical problems caused by the toxic substances. This consists of taking long walks, having contact with nature, phytotherapy (herbal teas, blossom tea) and receiving massages that make it easier to get through the withdrawal symptoms. Contact with the user’s past environment is to be avoided completely during this stage. During the first 15 days, he/she cannot receive visits or phone calls, except under exceptional circumstances. However, it is possible to have communication by mail. Starting from the first day of admission, supervisors and house monitors, where the user lives, may provide all the information concerning the patient’s development to authorized family members.
Phase II: Breaking the Habit and Rehabilitation
After the first 15 days in the centre, a second phase in the detox process is taken. The user is encouraged now to learn to live with others, to accept responsibilities, work ethics and new values. Activities that may be carried out during this time include:
Individual monitoring and evaluation
Occupational Workshops: Auto painting and body-work, welding, carpentry, bricklaying, mechanics, upholstery, restoration of furniture and appliances, etc…
Leisure time: Sports, outdoor trips, reading, and retreats.
Family meetings: Restoration of family relationships is one of our most important objectives since, in most cases, these relationships have been badly damaged as a result of drug addiction, alcohol, etc. Furthermore, our monitors can provide support and help to families that so desire.
Parents Association
Phase III: Reintegration.
Reintegration into the work force is considered to be the last phase of the therapeutic program. In some cases difficult problems arise at this level, which should be taken into account. On the one hand, the patient faces severely damaged social relations (court trials, serious errors made in previous jobs, layoffs, etc.) and on the other hand, he/she has the problem of re-entering the job market.
While still in the centre, one of the ways that the user is being prepared for this last step, is by participation in one of the centre’s workshops. There are different occupational workshops, but not all provinces have the same kind of shops. Workshops play a multiple role in training people professionally and in directing their personal attitude towards work activities, in such areas as responsibility, discipline, order, and team work. Being involved in a workshop also contributes to the maintenance and improvement of the center’s means of support.

Correctional Institutions
RETO has made arrangements with the Correctional instituitons offer the centre’s facilities for compliance work on behalf of the community as stipulated in the law 10/1995 of the Penal Code. RETO is also working with tribunals and courts receiving convicts into the centre who have committed crimes, because of drug addiction or addiction to other substances, enabling the suspension of the enforcement of custodial sentences. In this way, the drug dependent person is offered the possibility to receive individualized treatment and to begin the rehabilitation process in Reto.
Partnership with correctional institutions has a two-fold aspect: on the one hand, it is the correctional institution itself, through its treatment board, that sends the convicts to the centre, offering the possibility of being part of the rehabilitation program.
On the other hand, RETO regularly performs voluntary work in prisons, consisting of organizing workshops, sporting events, outdoor trips, offering assistance to the sick, etc.
The time spent in the Reto program is voluntary, although it is considered necessary in most cases for the individual to stay for a period of 12 to 18 months.
Whenever possible, the health status of the individual should be accredited with an updated medical report (to facilitate their follow-up), as well as the provision of all personal documentation: passport, ID card, health card, judicial documentation, etc...
Use any substance harmful to health is prohibited including: substitute drugs, alcohol, tobacco, etc...
During the period of abstinence, the individual will remain without supervision in the foster home except by the accompaniment of an assigned monitor.
Meet the Challenge Centre schedule for daily activities.
The individual will participate, when his physical state allows, in the different activities of the centre including: occupational workshops, housework, etc...
It remains at the discretion of each Challenge Centre the regime of visits, calls, provision of money, etc...
In the case of married couples, they must initiate the rehabilitation program separately, until deemed appropriate. Attempts will be made to encourage family restoration at all times.
The use of personal computers, mobile phones, or any audio device will not be allowed.